'My paintings are inspired  by people -all sorts!' 

I'm a self taught artist based in Auckland NZ, and I've loved making art since I was young.

My Dad was my very first inspiration and teacher. I can remember him, every chance he got escaping our suburban family life to paint and sketch the South Island landscape he loved so much. And it fascinated me to see him transform from the grumpy Dad I knew at home to a

happy and relaxed one, in his element.

But unlike my Dad's, my work isn't inspired by landscapes My paintings are inspired by people --all sorts! I find peoples' lives, their physical appearance,

their emotions and how they present themselves to the world, fascinating. And everybody has their own unique story. This inspires me to create my own image of them.

Firstly, I strive to capture a realistic likeness, not just of a person's physical features, but also their inner spirit and personality. And secondly I love to create a fantasy, make believe background unique to each subject.

Combining these two elements into a completed art work is where the fun and magic begins for me. It can feel like a very playful process, and as I'm painting and in 'the zone' the rest of the world disappears for a while. If I haven't got a painting I'm working on - either rattling around in my head or on my easel, I feel incomplete. Painting portraits sustains me!

There's really nothing to understand about my work. There isn't any meaning. If people enjoy looking at my paintings, and feel an emotional connection to then, I feel I have achieved something I was hoping for.

If you have any questions about my art, or are interested in having a portrait painted, please feel free to get in touch. I will always reply!

It’s easy to commission a portrait.

  • Simply email or post your favourite photos, and I will let you know if they are suitable. Both black and white and coloured photos are okay
  • I can combine different photos to create a unique double or group portrait
  • I can also create fantasy or theme-based backgrounds
  • Portraits usually take 3 to 4 weeks to complete, but if you have a deadline, I can aim to meet this
  • My standard size is 61cm x 51cm on a good, stretched canvas
  • All enquiries are welcome

All work is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

Contact me